Post by Jeopardy on May 30, 2012 18:03:11 GMT -5
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=valign,top][atrb=width,100][atrb=style,padding:10px;border-right:1px solid #ffffff;] [style=border:1px solid #ffffff;background-color:#54446E;width:100px;height:100px;padding:8px;][/style] [style=border-right:10px solid #FFfFFF;background-color:#54446E;padding:4px 10px 3px 0px;font-family:courier new;color:#C09BFC;text-align:right;font-size:10px;letter-spacing:1px;margin-bottom:3px;]THUNDERCLAN[/style][style=border-right:10px solid #ffffff;background-color:#54446E;padding:4px 10px 3px 0px;font-family:courier new;color:#C09BFC;text-align:right;font-size:10px;letter-spacing:1px;margin-bottom:3px;]TOM[/style][style=border-right:10px solid #ffffff;background-color:#54446E;padding:4px 10px 3px 0px;font-family:courier new;color:#C09BFC;text-align:right;font-size:10px;letter-spacing:1px;margin-bottom:3px;]FORTY MOONS[/style][style=border-right:10px solid #ffffff;background-color:#54446E;padding:4px 10px 3px 0px;font-family:courier new;color:#C09BFC;text-align:right;font-size:10px;letter-spacing:1px;margin-bottom:3px;]WARRIOR[/style] [style=border-right:10px solid #FFfFFF;background-color:#54446E;padding:4px 10px 3px 0px;font-family:courier new;color:#C09BFC;text-align:right;font-size:10px;letter-spacing:1px;margin-bottom:3px;]PICTURE[/style] | [atrb=width,400][atrb=style,padding:10px;][style=font-family: courier new; font-size: 24px;letter-spacing:-2px; text-align:center;border-bottom:1px solid #ffffff;line-height:85%;color:#C09BFC;]COALTAIL[/style][style=font-family:Arial Narrow;font-size:10px;text-align:center;margin-top:0px;letter-spacing:0px;color:#FFFFFF;]A FOREST DIVIDED[/style] [style=margin:-20px 30px 10px 30px;text-align:justify;font-family:tahoma;font-size:10px;text-transform:lowercase;color:#8e8e8e;line-height:13px;]Short Appearance white tom with a black tail and pale green eyes. Appearance Pelt as white as snow, it is unobstructed by anything. That is, until you get to his tail. As soon as the white hits the beginning of his tail, it turns to pitch black - a contrast that many felines would be find a little unsettling. The only other black on his entire existence is the little splotch on his pink nose. His is built with broad shoulders and muscles rather than slim. His fur is long, thick, and puffy, making it a nightmare to groom. Plus, when he gets weight he looks half his size and it feels horrid when all that fur is plastered to his body. Personality ----- critical everything he looks at or does, he does so with a very critical out look. very few things can get past his sight and he doesn't forgive himself when he does let things slip. he reads others, trying to see the truth behind anything they say and he doesn't just trust others from the start. they need to look and sound like they are telling the truth at all times. he does not deal well with liars and looks upon them the same he may with murders. he thinks no wrong is small enough to get away with on light terms. when any situation is brought to his attention, whether he is suppose to make judgement on it or not, he will think everything through from beginning to end and will think about it in every light before coming to a decision - whether the upper positions agree with his conclusion or not makes it an interesting game. ----- dark humor contrary to what most felines would think of a thunderclan tom, coaltail has a very dark, harsh sense of humor. he doesn't laugh at the stupid little things that others might do or the it's-so-stupid-it's-funny jokes. no no, the types of things he finds funny are when others are in pain - especially when he feels they deserve the pain. he might not always cause the pain himself - seeing as it goes against the warrior code to some extent - but if a feline he cares little to nothing about it in pain or in trouble, he is not about to help them out of it. instead, he'll sit by and watch. the things he dreams at night about are what most felines would consider nightmares, but he wakes up in a better mood. don't ask why, but if he has those drams at night, it makes him a semi-better tom during the daylight. ----- strict he adheres to the warrior code, no matter what some felines might think. he may be hard and relentless, but he will try his best to stay in line with what starclan has ordained them to act like. he might fully believe in the will of starclan either, but he respects their laws and deals with them at the bare minimum. he is very strict on taking orders and following through with them, no matter what he thinks of a situation. in fact, if he disagrees with an order he's been giving, he'll frown and make a few objections, but in then end if the order is still asked for him, he will oblige. the word of his leader is the word of the clan ans he will never lay a claw against his own clan. he will never understand why felines choose not to do as they are told. he will do everything to the code...and only on rare occasions go outside the well-defined box. ----- merciless he sees everything in black and white...which is fitting considering his appearance. he believes that all crimes should be punished to the same degree - if trouble starts out small he believes it will grow like an avalanche - quickly into something so big that no-one can ever stop it. how do felines of evil with nothing to stop them start out usually? with few restraints pushed on them from a young age. he would never allow his own kits to get away with anything. he believes liars are as bad as murders and that there is nothing in between in severity. of course, the punishment can vary depending on the feline, but the punishment must be equal for all. he just knows well that what is a deadly punishment to some would be an easy let off to others and wishes a leader would see that. ----- despises shadowclan when it concerns the clans, he loves thunderclan and feels neutral about riverclan and windclan...but shadowclan, oh boy does he hate shadowclan with all his guts. it's not even on the same level as the rest of his clan - he actually despises shadowclan with every bones, muscle, fiber, and molecule in his body. his eyes burn with anger and his claws unsheathe automatically at the mere scent of a thunderclan cat. the reason why he hates them so dearly will be made clear in his history. he would honestly never give a shadowclan warrior, apprentice, or even a kit - despite what the warrior code says about helping out any kit - a chance. they are all enemy number one in his book, even worse than badgers or foxes. he would never spend time being friendly with one of them and he would never even give them so much a a smile - a sneer maybe, but never a smile. History ----- kit-hood as a kit i was known as coalkit. my mother was a pure white feline and my father a pure black tom. i got the broad and well-defined muscled figure from my father and my pale green eyes from my mother. i was the perfect mix of the two of them and i might as well be - i would be the only kit they ever had together. my mother died giving birth to me. it as a hard birth and from what the felines old enough to know the time say, i was lucky enough to survive - there was no hope for my mother. after my mother's death, my father turned hard and unforgivable, but he raised me and loved me. as a kit, i was a little bit of the oddball. i never really play-fought with the others in the nursery and i merely stared at them. one thing that set me apart from the others though: i was in love with shadowclan. it wasn't that i didn't like thunderclan, i did like my clan. even at the young age my father instilled loyalty in me for my birth clan...but i admired shadowclan. i loved their dark features and their stern, unwavering mindsets. i adored how they could look at not one another without a wavering glance. of course by this age i had never seen a shadowclan warrior before, but had heard my father talk about them. he had also held some admiration for the other clan, but not as deeply laid as mine. he talked about the other clan like he had lived there for any amount of time, though i don't believe he has. i knew the other cats in my clan often saw the darker clan with a different light, but i always knew i took after my father and he held a critical eye just as i do. ----- apprenticeship when i was given the name of coalpaw, i was excited...even if no-one could see it from the outside. i was about to take the first step down my life as a warrior. my mentor was a stern she-cat thunderclan warrior, but she knew how to have i wasn't all that interested in having. moons passed and my mentor worked me hard - sharpening my skills. after a couple moons her humor dropped off around me when she realized i didn't laugh at the same things she did. we weren't what you call friends, but we respected one another enough to deal with each other till i became a warrior. my father passed away a moon before my warrior ceremony. it was a tragedy that took me a while to get over - even today i still mourn the death of my father even if he simply passed away in the middle of leaf-bare due to sickness. there was no battle mark that killed him, no warrior to take vengeance upon...just a sickness that swept through the camp, taking him with it when it passed through. it was at my first gathering though when i met shadowclan felines for the first time and my hopes for it where not squandered. i adored watching the warriors walk around and the leader up on the rock beside my own - it was just perfect. while there i also met a couple of shadowclan apprentices. i managed to make a friendship with a couple that wouldn't be distilled from the hate brewing between the two clans - hate that was growing dramatically. i don't know why these two apprentices enjoyed me - maybe it was because they could see deep down inside i was more like them then they would have expected and they enjoyed my company more than they thought they would. in some ways, i felt more at home with them than i did apprentices of my own clan. ----- warrior-ship as a warrior, this is where things get a little...interesting to say the least. i was named coaltail - something that i had expected. after all, when you have a pure black tail on a pure white tom...what else are you gonna have for a warrior name? anyway, things went well for a long time. i worked hard as a warrior, but i still stayed in contact with the couple friends i had in shadowclan. i talked with them, shared opinions...though only at the gatherings as we didn't want to be caught being friendly outside of the full moon. the tension between our two clans grew every day and all three of us could feel it. but they knew how much i admired the ways of their clan and they weren't going to throw me away right from the start. we talked about the feelings of our clans and what we thought might happen in the future. i even mentioned once how great it would be if we may one day join together as one. they didn't like that very much. and that's when my first burst of hatred for the other clan began. alright, not hatred at this point, but deep, burning disappointment: my two so-called friends attacked me one night when we just so happened to run into each other - one thunderclan territory and they were planning to kill me. i have no idea really why or when they had started pretending to be my friend, but they told me that nigh that they had been milking me for information about the status of mind of my clan. to say i had been a little more trusting back then was an understatement - i was hopeful in the friendship that might've happened between me and warriors of the clan i looked up even a little more than my own. but then i realized one thing: shadowclan might be stronger in some ways, but thunderclan would never betray me that way...or at least i would never give anyone the chance to now. luckily i had excelled in my training when the two of them had slacked off a little more - i was able to fight them off me and i ran away from them. i didn't kill them at the time, but if i were to ever run into the two of them again when they were alone, they had better keep an eye on their throat. when thunderclan territory was flooded moons ago and we were taken in by shadowclan, i had to strain myself not to attack them or even bring the attack up anymore. of course my clan was aware that i had been in a fight with shadowclan warriors (you can't just ignore it when you come home bleeding), but we needed a home and shadowclan was - reluctantly - willing to provide. a long time ago i would have been estactic at the thought of staying with the other clan and i would have attempted to make bonds - even through the tension. but thanks to those two so-called friends, i started to become wary of the others in their clan and i've never trusted a single word that flowed from the mouth of a shadowclan warrior to date. it just was never worth it. and i was not pleased to be there with them. and then came the defining line: the day the shadowclan leader was found dead. shadowclan turned on thunderclan and started yowling at them for the blame. now, coaltail would have been more than glad to kill the leader, but for them to blame his clan merely because they were looking for any excuse to get us out of their way was...well, it was unbelievable and tat's when disappointed turned to hate. i couldn't believe that i had ever looked up to a clan like that. sure, i mirrored them in so many ways...but i like to think that even i have limits that the felines of shadowclan obviously do not. since then, if a shadowclan warrior ever gave me a reason, even the slightest little reason, i would attack them and rip out their heart like they ripped mine out multiple times. these feelings i would never say out loud, but they are still there. burning deep within me.[/style][style=font-family:Arial Narrow;font-size:10px;text-align:center;margin-top:0px;letter-spacing:0px;color:#FFFFFF;]CODED BY RAIN OF ON THE EDGE![/style] |